Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hon. Phil Gingrey: Post-Partisan Republican Apologizes

The Hon. Phil Gingrey called Rush Limbaugh to apologize for the remarks that I remarked upon below that he made yesterday to Politico.

"I just wanted to tell you, Rush, and -- and all our conservative giants who help us so much to maintain our base and grow it and get back this majority that I regret those stupid comments."

So, why'd Doc Gingrey make them?

"I was trying to defend John Boehner, who basically is leading -- providing very good leadership on this issue."

Well, maybe Mr. Boehner is, but once the words are out and recorded - they'll pop up somewhere as "proof". A three-term Congressman should know when to put a sock in it.

Dr. Gingrey concluded with a flash of the obvious: "Rush, congressional Republicans and our leadership need you and other conservative giants to galvanize the millions of Americans who don't live in Washington. They may not even live in Republican districts."

Damn straight!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!
    Love the blog! Just wanted to interject my two cents here...Dr. Gingrey was actually one of my OB/GYN doctors when I had my only child 18 years ago. He was the nicest man and had the best bedside manner of almost all the doctors in the practice. He was a great doctor as well! I have always liked him and respected him. However, when he pulled this shenanigan, I wondered if the man was not losing his mind! I guess he didn't lose it because he did apologize, but I was sure wondering for sometime. However, I still question while the hell he would make such a comment?!? I betcha in the future, he will think twice before making such a comment! That would be the smart thing to do!

    Southern Belle
